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HomeStays - Guide Prof. Prasad Onkar

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Project Details

Project Title

Homestays in Gonglur Village


Tourism , cultural heritage, village case studies

Village Name

Gonglur village

District and State of the Village

District - Sangareddy and State - Telangana

Contact Person of collaborating Organization




The main objective of our project is to develop the village economically and culturally by making it a spot of case studies for numerous students from India and abroad whose main subject of their studies or interest is the culture and social status of villages in India. After visiting the villages personally, we have captured a few images that tell many things about the village. We also find it optimal to make it a host of homestays for the people visiting the village. We can make the village people more aware of the business which is hypocritically meant for the people in cities. We aim to make the village people more independent, especially women and also improve the social status of the village as a whole.

Nature of the Project

Social intervention + Improvement . The nature of the project involves both the things mentioned above. The plan is to set up a homestay business in the village with the villagers themselves being capable of handling it without any government intervention. It would basically end up being a NGO or self help groups which earn the profits and distribute among themselves. The villagers would be trained in this field and then made independent enough to handle themselves. Once the villagers start earning the profits they can share among themselves which would lead to the improvement of their livelihood and social status. The village would get fame and hence attract more visitors which would directly impact the revenue

Duration of the work

The duration of the plan to be executed might approximately take one to two years. The project plan is described as follows :

  • 1. We have clicked the pictures of the village which can be of interest to study for numerous visitors from India and abroad as well.
  • 2. The pictures would be advertised on the website that we have created specially for the home stays of Gongluru village and also on the instagram handles.
  • 3. We expect more people to visit the village after this advertisement. This would be our gain because the people who visit need places to stay in the village for which new homestays would be built in the village which is run by the villagers again.
  • 4. The plan is to educate the villagers enough for them to be capable of handling business activities and hence manage the home stays .
  • 5. We communicated with a few villagers personally which made us realize the potential in them . We visited a school in the village which is co-ed and takes classes upto 10th standard. The students we talked to are bright and have potential to be educated regarding business activities.
  • 6. The students and teachers we contacted were also capable of handling digital devices like phones and computers if taught and also social media like facebook and instagram. They can be easily made aware of how to handle the website we create and take care of the bookings and site seeing online.
  • 7. There is a women's self help group in the village which consists of women who independently work on producing many things like cold-pressed oils , soaps etc.. These women are pretty bold enough as we realized and hence it would be easy to make more women in the village independent with their help.
  • 8. As we talked with the villagers, we also realized that they are more hospitable and welcome to all kinds of people. They don’t have any issues or problems with people visiting their villages for study. In Fact they were more than happy to narrate to us the cultural history of the village , their daily life activities and many more. This quality of the villagers would naturally help them be successful in the homestay business .
  • 9. There are few lands owned by the villagers in few areas of the village which are calm and moderate for constructing the homestays. If the villagers are willing, we can use their lands which are uncultivated and lying unproductive to build the homestays and ensure that they get higher profits from the benefits for their great contribution.
  • 10.There are few homes in the village which are constructed half and not completed hence none stays . We can improve them and make use of them as well for our homestays in agreement with the house owners.
  • 11.Finally we have to make sure that the income from this is sufficient enough to sustain all the villagers working for this project and also little profits to improve the village’s environment. We should try and preserve the culture of the village as much as possible while trying to improve the social status of it.

Impact of the Project in Villages

As already mentioned above, the impact of the project would be : 1. Makes villagers literate and educated 2. Makes them independent enough to take care of themselves and their village 3. The village would get a bit of fame and would end up being a hub of cultural study 4. The unproductive lands of the village would be turned into a place of stay and hence would be efficiently utilized for profits. 5. The aim is to make the villagers handle the business all by themselves which would ultimately lead to more employment opportunities. 6. The profits from the business would be shared among all the villagers and also little would be kept aside for the improvement of the village’s environment. 7. The cultural heritage of the village would be known to many visitors and hence would be preserved better than ever. 8. The social status of the village would be improved as a whole.

Village Highlights

  1. Cottage Industry(<1 km): You can buy various organic produts like soaps,oil, cerals, millets,etc. This is led by a couple of women entrepreneurs. You can also visit these mills and industries and have a glimpse of the process.
  2. Manjeera Dam and Wildlife Sanctuary(8 km): You can vist the Manjeera Dam and have a boat ride. There is also wild life sanctuary where you get to see rare birds and animals. the is a crocodile park too.
  3. Farm Visit(< 1 km): the village has a lot of fiels and farms. you can spend a day learning about farming and different crops. The villageres are very friendly to teach you small techniques of farming. You also get to know about a life of a indian farmer.
  4. Government High School(< 1 km): You can interact with the kids and also have a glipmse of village teaching.
  5. Temples(< 1 km): The village has many hindu temples to visit. You can know more about the village history and hindu gods.


Student Contributors

Pranav V
Pranav V
Sharanya G
Sharanya G
Siddhant Chandorkar
Siddhant Chandorkar
Nisha M
Nisha M